A thorough pre-Lasik evaluation was performed at the Eye Hospital, which included assessing the retina and optic nerve, as well as the eye number and eye pressure, corneal mapping (Corneal Topography), corneal thickness, eye length, muscle balance, and status for dry eyes. This is a corneal ailment that is not fully developing at this point but may do so in the future depending on the circumstances. The cornea weakens when Lasik or another corneal-based laser surgery is performed on it. So, if the cornea is already weak, having Lasik surgery by http://visualaidscentre.com/lasik-eye-surgery-in-delhi/ may injure it over time and result in the complete manifestation of keratoconus. Post-LASIK ectasia is a condition that can affect the cornea.Although while contemporary procedures like ReLEx smile are more suited for thin corneas, it is still preferable to avoid any corneal surgery in circumstances like these where there is a pre-existing disease.

No ophthalmologist will advise their patient to take such a risk.

 Why are certain people not candidates for laser eye surgery?

Age: Those under the age of 18 are typically recommended to postpone having Lasik surgery.

Unstable glass power: It is better to have LASIK performed after the eye power has been steady for at least a year. All one needs to realise is that LASIK removes the eye power according to the eye power at the time. Even after a prior Lasik, ocular power will increase if it is not steady and is destined to rise in the future. To avoid it, we postpone the surgery to later years and make plans for when the eye power is stable.

Thin corneas: In Lasik surgery, a laser is used to alter the cornea’s curvature; as a result, the cornea becomes slightly thinner, the degree of which depends on the patients’ eye power. As a result, if a patient already has thin corneas, the surgery might not be safe.

abnormal corneal maps: The cornea’s topography provides us with its maps. It guarantees there are no underlying sub-clinical corneal abnormalities like Keratoconus or suspected Keratoconus, which can develop into a full-blown condition after Lasik surgery. So, we must refuse the surgery if topographic maps reveal any anomalies.

Advanced Glaucoma is a condition in which a patient has advanced visual field abnormalities or is found to have it during a pre-LASIK evaluation and is a known instance of glaucoma treated on two to three drugs. For the sake of minimising conflict with the management of glaucoma, we avoid conducting Lasik on these eyes in any circumstance.

An individual who is at risk of acquiring squint based on a pre-operative evaluation might be advised to postpone LASIK treatment. Sometimes, even if the patient might need a squint correction following LASIK, we proceed with the procedure.

Severe Dry Eye: Those who already have severe dry eye and produce tears that are of poor quality or insufficient quantity are also advised to postpone LASIK treatment. Future LASIK procedures can be performed if the condition becomes better and we rule out any underlying causes of extreme dryness.

Uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune conditions can prevent the appropriate healing process after LASIK and can raise the risk of corneal infections and inflammation. We often postpone any type of non-urgent eye surgery in these circumstances.

When deciding on any Lasik, the importance of long-term safety must be considered. A thorough pre-Lasik screening identifies all the subtle and obvious signs that hint to potential dangers. Furthermore, pre-Lasik evaluation enables us to select the best course of action from among the numerous available techniques, including wave front guided Lasik, contoura Lasik, Femto Lasik, Smile Lasik, and surface ablation like PRK.

Please do not be discouraged if Lasik has been recommended against you. Refractive lens exchange and ICL implantation are two other possibilities.


In patients with various disorders, the efficacy and safety of refractive operations have not been established. If you have a history of any of the following, talk to your doctor about it:

Eye-related Herpes simplex or Herpes zoster (shingles).

Ocular hypertension, glaucoma, or glaucoma suspicion.

eye conditions include uveitis and iritis (inflammations of the eye)

eye damage or previous operations on the eyes.

Another Risk Factor for Keratoconus

You should get the following conditions or risk factors screened for by your doctor:

Blepharitis. Creasing of the eyelashes and eyelid inflammation may increase the risk of infection or corneal irritation after LASIK.

large eyes. Make sure you conduct this examination in a dimly lit space. Although everyone has the potential to develop dilated pupils, under low light conditions, younger patients and those taking certain drugs may be more susceptible. After surgery, this may result in symptoms like double vision, glare, halos, and starbursts. These symptoms may be incapacitating in certain patients. As an illustration, a patient might no longer be able to operate a vehicle at night or in specific weather situations, such as fog.

those with unstable vision. You won’t be a suitable candidate for LASIK if your prescription changes frequently. For one to two years, most doctors prefer that your prescription remain steady. Several factors can cause prescriptions to change. Your prescription may alter over time due to contact lens use, diabetes blood sugar changes, and natural ageing changes.

Those whose general health is compromised. Your body’s ability to recover from surgery can be impacted by specific medical disorders. Autoimmune illness sufferers are poor LASIK candidates. Dry eye syndrome is brought on by numerous autoimmune diseases. A dry eye may not heal effectively and is more likely to become infected after LASIK. Other ailments including diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, or cataracts frequently .those who suffer from dry eye disease. A person with dry eyes has an elevated risk for considerable post-LASIK discomfort and a possible aggravation of dry eye symptoms. Dry eyes might also prevent the body from recuperating properly. Several therapies may be able to provide relief for some persons with symptoms of dry eyes. Before LASIK eye surgery, patients are occasionally started on specialised dry eye medicines. It may be possible to undertake specific operations, like punctal occlusion, to treat dry eye and lessen its unpleasant symptoms.

those who have exaggerated hopes. LASIK might not be right for you if you demand perfection. After surgery, each patient recovers in a unique way. There’s always a chance that after LASIK you’ll need to use reading glasses or corrective lenses for at least some activities.