
YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for video advertising, with over 2 billion monthly active users. Advertisers can choose from various ad formats, including skippable and non-skippable in-stream ads, video discovery ads, and bumper ads. One of the key metrics for measuring the success of a YouTube ad campaign is the view rate, which is the percentage of times users viewed an ad out of the total number of times it was served. 

View Rate by Ad Format

One of the main factors that can affect the view rate of a YouTube ad is the ad format. According to a study by Google, the average view rate for skippable in-stream ads is around 30%, while the average view rate for non-skippable in-stream ads is around 20%. Video discovery ads, which appear in the YouTube search results or the “related videos” section, have an average view rate of around 10%. Short bumper ads, non-skippable ads that play before or after a video, have the lowest average view rate at around 6%.

It is important to note that skippable in-stream ads allow users to skip the ad after 5 seconds of watching, which means that users are more likely to watch the entire ad if they find it interesting. On the other hand, non-skippable in-stream ads force users to watch the entire ad, which may result in lower view rates if users are not interested in the ad.

Video discovery ads, which appear in the YouTube search results or the “related videos” section, tend to have lower view rates than in-stream ads because they are not as prominent as in-stream ads. However, these ads can be highly effective for driving website visits and conversions, as they target users actively searching for related content.

Short bumper ads, non-skippable ads that play before or after a video, have the lowest average view rate among all the ad formats. It is because they are short and non-skippable, which makes it hard to grab the user’s attention, but they are also very cheap to produce, and it is good to use them as a branding strategy.

View Rate by Industry

The industry in which an advertiser operates can also impact the view rate of a YouTube ad. According to a study by Google, the average view rate for ads in the entertainment industry is around 20%. The average view rate for ads in the technology industry is around 15%. Ads in the automotive and financial services industries have an average view rate of around 10%, while ads in the retail industry have an average view rate of around 5%.

The Entertainment industry is highly competitive, with a lot of content available for viewers to watch. However, ads in this industry tend to have higher view rates because they are often well-produced and highly engaging, which makes them more likely to be watched by users. The technology industry is also highly competitive, but ads tend to have lower view rates because the content is often more technical and less engaging for a general audience.

The Automotive and Financial Services industries typically have lower view rates because the content is often more informative and less engaging. However, these ads can still be highly effective for driving website visits and conversions, as they target users actively searching for information on specific products or services.

The Retail industry typically has the lowest view rates because the content is often more promotional and less engaging. However, ads in the retail industry can still be effective for driving sales and conversions if they are targeted to the right audience and are well-crafted.

View Rate by Targeting

Another important factor that can affect the view rate of a YouTube ad is the targeting strategy used. Google found that ads targeted to specific demographics, such as age or gender, had an average view rate of around 20%. Ads targeted to specific interests had an average view rate of around 15%. Ads targeted to specific keywords had an average view rate of around 10%.

Ads targeted to specific demographics tend to have higher view rates because they are more likely to be relevant to the users watching them. For example, an ad targeted to women may be more relevant to female viewers and, therefore, more likely to be watched. Ads targeted to specific interests also tend to have higher view rates because they are more likely to be relevant to the users watching them. For example, an ad targeted to users interested in fitness may be more relevant to viewers interested in fitness and, therefore, more likely to be watched.

Ads targeted to specific keywords tend to have lower view rates because they are less likely to be relevant to the users watching them. For example, an ad targeted to users searching for a specific product may not be relevant to viewers who are not interested in that product and, therefore, less likely to be watched. However, these ads can still be highly effective for driving website visits and conversions, as they target users actively searching for specific products or services.


The average view rate for a YouTube ad can vary depending on several factors, including ad format, industry, and targeting strategy. Skippable in-stream ads have the highest average view rate at around 30%, while bumper ads have the lowest average view rate at around 6%. Ads in the entertainment industry have the highest average view rate at around 20%, while ads in the retail industry have the lowest average view rate at around 5%. Ads targeted to specific demographics have the highest average view rate at around 20%, while ads targeted to specific keywords have the lowest average view rate at around 10%.

Additionally, you can keep enhancing the effectiveness of your ads over time by utilizing the data gleaned from testing and optimization. You can take help from YouTube marketing agency [].