You tube shorts are a part of the you tube community, it is a short format vertical video type where people share the content in the you tube app. Its maximum video length is 60 seconds. People mostly watch it for entertainment. It is easy and quick to use that’s the main reason people are fond of it. People having smart phones have easy access to the you tube app and you tube shorts, now you can watch you tube shorts on your laptop too. It’s easy to access. You tube shorts can also be an opportunity for your income. People make short videos, edit it and post it in the shorts section and since it has a vast reach amongst the people, your content will also reach a large number of viewers. Once people start seeing you tube shorts they keep on scrolling.

First we need to upload the video through you tube. So, uploading you tube shorts:

 1. Sign in to you tube studio 

2. In the top-right corner, click CREATE and then Upload videos 

3. select a short video file which is upto 60 seconds and it should be in square or vertical aspect ratio.

4. In the captions you can also mention #shorts so that the you tube community can help people recommend your videos. In this way your YouTube shorts reach will be vast amongst the people. (optional).

People can monetize youtube shorts too as they do to the normal long format you tube videos. You tube released the youtube shorts fund, in august 2021. It is a system created by youtube where the top creators of the shorts get paid for their work. YouTube described this as a way to “monetize and reward creators for their content” and said it would be a $100 million fund distributed throughout 2021 and 2022. 

Ways to make your youtube shorts go viral:

  1. Give an attractive title: This is the most important way to keep up any suspense if any there or to make the viewer watch the video till the end. So think of an out of the box or mysterious caption/ title for the shorts. 
  2. Make the first few seconds interesting: If the first few seconds are interesting then the viewer will not scroll up, in fact it will make them more interested to watch the youtube short. 
  3. Keep it brief: don’t test their patience, sometimes it becomes frustrating if the video is dragged too long. Try keeping it short, quick and crisp.
  4. Try trending stuff: for example try using a trending song which might attract the attention of the viewers. When people like something its chances of going viral are high, so in this case you can choose a song which you think is trending or it is the public’s favorite song. 
  5. Loop trend: Nowadays creators try to edit their videos in a loop format and the audience like it that way too. You can also give it a shot, just make sure that the editing is perfect and it creates a perfect loop too.
  6. The content: – Try making some new content and make it fun and quirky. People like entertainment so that they can have a fun little break from their busy schedule of life and watch these fun shorts.
  • Or try making an informational video. People also like fun facts and these videos are quick and understanding. 
  • Or make video trends, which means make content which is trending and which people like to watch. 
  1. Editing skills: This is not necessary but if it can be good. People usually like good, cleanly edited videos. Try keeping your video quality good.
  2. Make them interested in your other youtube shorts too: for example – you can create 2 parts of the shorts and make the first part suspenseful and link down in comments the part 2 of the video. The audience will automatically drive their way to part 2 to kill their suspense. 
  3. Promote your video: To make your you tube shorts reach as many people as possible try promoting it in various places like posting it in you tube stories or Instagram, to your family and friends.
  4. Behaviour: Be polite and nice if it’s a verbal video. The audience may not like any kind of harsh talking.

The above are a few ways in which your youtube shorts can go viral through You tube is a very large and vast area to explore. People nowadays love working on social media and you tube is one of them. People who create and the viewer both enjoy their jobs. You tube is shared amongst a huge population and people thoroughly enjoy it. It affects the population in large quantities. As much as you tube is mesmerizing and helpful , it has its own side effects. One should use these kinds of social media carefully. 

Keeping up with all the upcoming things in youtube like youtube shorts revenue and full monetization, the youtube shorts community is going to be a vast business ahead. So if you want to keep up in this field this is the perfect opportunity for you to create a youtube channel and gain an audience.